Thursday, 4 July 2013

The all-time 100 Sexiest hall of fame

The all-time 100 Sexiest hall of fame

The Ryder Cup's sexiest WAGs

FHM's Girlfriends: the ultimate collection

100 Sexiest Women in the World 2005 – the Top Ten

Tennis WAGs: the WAGs of Wimbledon

Kate Beckinsale and 9 other women we can't believe are 40

This Is 40 packshot

FHM’s best ever Ladies’ Confessions: the top 100

FHM’s best ever Ladies’ Confessions: the top 100

“I proceeded to lick him from head to toe”

“I have to admit I had my hands down his pants”

“I had sat him down and straddled his dick”

“I clung to his headboard screaming”

“It was the sexiest HJ I’ve ever performed!”

“I push my hands upward past her hips”

“I gave him a working over, licking the shaft”

“My fingers move to the button of your jeans”

“Being watched was just the thrill I needed”

“I pulled his pants down and sank to my knees”

6 reasons why we wish Laura Robson was our girlfriend

What's that? The quiet sound of shuffling bums as people finally sit up and take notice of Laura Robson? Damn straight. The British #1 has just smashed her way to the third round of Wimbledon 2013 and the sport just got a lot more exciting. Here's 6 reasons why we think she's bloody brilliant:

6 reasons why we wish Laura Robson was our girlfriend



Laura Robson number 1



Laura Robson for FHM

Laura Robson instagram

10 Sex Tips from Helen Gurley Brown

1. "A smart single woman…doesn’t have to prove herself in sex. But she should act as though she could if she wanted to.”
2. “Should a man think you are a virgin? I can’t imagine why, if you aren’t. Is he?”
3. “Once in bed, it’s kind of silly to fake inexperience. Most men agree that inhibitionless and even aggressive enjoyment from a woman is an asset so far as their own enjoyment is concerned.”
4. “There is nothing like holding off and not having an orgasm one week, two, more…to have the greatest orgasm of your life when it happens. This takes discipline. You have not to masturbate no matter how inclined you are….A really longed-for, ready-for-it, haven’t-in-a-while orgasm doesn’t have anything much better than it.”
5. “I believe good drivers—focused, don’t show off but never get stuck behind a truck making a delivery, a bus letting off passengers, or a car double-parking—are good in bed. These men just very smoothly, efficiently get the girl or the car to do what they want and what the girl wants…no bumpiness, swerving, dawdling.”
6. “I don’t think pants are sexy for women. Dresses, on the other hand, are meant to be crept up inside of until hands touch underwear…a sweet, friendly, almost innocent pursuit, much sweeter than him boldly unzipping the fly of your slacks.”
7. “The vertical indentation in a man’s ear that dips down into the fleshy part of the lobe is an indication of how big his erect penis will be. Shallow ear-indentation correspond to small penises; deeper (like the shape of Italy) go with larger. I haven’t been able to corroborate this theory recently but in my single days found it infallible.”
8. “Magical sex does not always show up attached to the right man. When this person and his magical sex get too ‘expensive’—too many tears, blues, lonesomeness, too often feeling angry and taken for granted, the pain outweighing the pleasure—the magic man will have to go.”
9. “If a man is persistent to the point of becoming tiresome….Say,‘You’re most attractive. You’re really lovely, but do you honestly suppose I can sleep with every man who asks me? The answer for now is no.’”
10. “If a man is cheating on you, the best thing to do is cheat on him but don’t tell him. Gives life a whole new perspective.”

Friday, 5 April 2013

10 Best Places for White Water Rafting in the World

A famous traveler once described adventure as, “pursuit of life“. This thirst for adventure is no more the feed meant for few daring spirits. And there is no better way to celebrate life than going on an adventure holiday. Among all other adventure rides, white water rafting undoubtedly ranks ahead, because of the degree of thrill and excitement associated with it.

For those braves who are ready to accept the challenge to ride the untamed waves, here I have compiled a list of some of the best white water rafting places all around the world.
Zambezi River (Zimbabwe)
Zambezi River in the Victoria Falls has brute and splashing waves, making your rafting experience wild and aggressive. The long rapid, obstinate gradients and highly build-up pressure is sure to send a chill down your spine.
Rafting in the Colorado River would be an experience hard to forget. And makes it more exclusive is the sight of the natural flora and fauna offered by this river.
Costa Rica
The cherished destination of Costa Rica has many whitewater rafting prospects. The excitement which this place has to offer surrounds everything while you raft on the dashing waves of the river; from cool waters to wildlife expedition.
Nepal, the country of mountains with the highest mountain peak in the world has a lot more excitement to offer when it comes to white water rafting. The rafting experience offered here is not for the weak hearted. But once you accept the challenge, you can bet upon the fun of adventure.
Here you get a chance to explore the ancient rainforests making your way through the foamy waters. This country has rivers like North Johnstone River and Nymbodia River which provide the ultimate water rafting experiences. For all the whitewater rafting enthusiasts a visit to these places in Australia is a must.
Futaleufu River (Chile)
Chile offers a lot of plethora of options for the adventure enthusiasts like horse riding, mountain biking and kayaking, but with the gigantic waves of growling rivers whitewater rafting becomes the most exhilarating adventure of all.
Idaho River
The most marvelous rafting destinations offered in Idaho are by the rivers like Snake River and the Middle Fork of the Salmon River. With the surrounding sceneries of mountains and greenery you might be further tempted to enjoy other adventures like hiking and camping as well.
Yangtze River (China)
The most favorable rafting destination in the Yangtze River in China is The Great Bend. The progressing waters are sure to kick your passion and let you grab the precious moments of your life. The scenic landscapes are another delight on this adventurous journey.
Magpie River (Canada)
The Magpie River in Canada offers you a chance to pack your vacations with action satisfying your thirst for adventure beyond expectation. The Magpie Falls are of a height nearly 80 foot and provides a splendid river rafting experience.
Victoria Nile (Uganda)
The Victoria Nile River on the Victoria Falls presents astounding whitewater rafting destinations in Uganda, not only from tourists but also from the local residents. This is one of those places which offer the true essence of the term rafting.

10 Most Beautiful Flowers in the World

The most beautiful flowers, in conjunction with their design and color schemes, create feelings that enhance our mood. They are a simple and sincere way to lift our spirits. The most beautiful flowers can bring a smile to someone faces who has been sick or having a rough day. The presence of flowers has a profound impact on ones state of mind and emotions.

Flowers trigger feelings of happiness and help us cope with anger and pain. They help us stay calm and relaxed. They can also help relieve stress.
Here I have compiled some of the most beautiful flowers in the world. It was a very tight list. I may have missed out a lot so please if you know other beautiful flower that I missed share with us in comment section. Thanks
Cherry Blossom

The unofficial flowers of Japan, the spectacular display of blossoms that arrive in the spring are celebrated by festivals both in Japan and the U.S. The most popular colors are white and pink. They are beautiful while on the trees and remain a stunning sight even after carpeting the ground.
Cannas not only feature pretty blossoms, but also beautiful leaves (often likened to that of the banana plant) that come in a variety of stunning colors. Popularized in Victorian times, Cannas are popular garden plants.
Bird of paradise

Strelitzia is a genus of five species of perennial plants, native to South Africa. A common name of the genus is bird of paradise flower, because of a supposed resemblance of its flowers to the bird of paradise. In South Africa it is commonly known as a crane flower.

Magical snowball puffs in fall: gorgeous. The clusters of star-shaped blossoms, often found in delicate pastel hues, embody innocence. They are popular in wedding bouquets and as garden flowers.
Calla Lily

While visually stunning and elegant, this beautiful flower is actually a member the poisonous species, Zantedeschia. All parts of the plant are highly toxic, with the capability to kill livestock and children if ingested.
Black Eyed Susan

The black eyed susan, a cheerful wildflower, is a perennial that serves as a beautiful back drop in any garden. The contrast of the bright gold yellow petals and dark middle makes it any easy one to spot and recognize.
Bleeding Heart

These whimsical, almost fairy-like blossoms are a traditional favorite in shady gardens. The flowers are red, pink or white and appear in April-June.
Blue Bells

In spring, many European woods are covered by dense carpets of this flower; these are commonly referred to as “bluebell woods”. It is thought that they were named by the romantic poets of the 19th century, who felt they symbolized solitude and regret.

These delicate flowers, with their pink and yellow petals, are butterfly magnets. The bush can grow to be quite large and the color of the petals changes as the plant ages. Beware – Lantana is considered a weed by many that are quite difficult to get rid of.

Roses are one of the most romantic and wonderfully scented of flowers. The giving of roses is steeped in tradition and cultural meaning, from the yellow rose of friendship to the deep red rose of true love.

Dendrobium is a large genus of tropical orchids that include over a thousand species. The sprays of flowers are so delicate and yet so perfectly formed, they appear magical.

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